I've been dealing with the state people setting up operation their way and they've been very helpful. Well, I called in to set up our state of Florida physical inspection. All was fine. A recorded message on my answering machine from the inspector was very cordial. He asked me to return his call. I called him thinking this is going like a dream.
Welcome to MR. RUDE!!!! His English got worse as we talked. He kept referring to everything as whatchamacallit. Told me I needed to download a certain application. I said I believe I already had that one. His reply was, "It's number 700 or something, I can't look right now because I'm driving. Are you trying to get me in an accident? If you don't know if you have it, you need to hire someone to put this all together for you. You need a check to pay me at the inspection." "OK, how much shall I make the check?" In a very heavy spanish accent, "Lady, you trying to get me in an accident? I don't know and I can't look it up?"
I said I would make sure I had all the forms ready for him. I would call back in a day or two to give him directions and that would give him time to tell me the amount I needed to pay him. I asked if we could set the inspection for a Monday. He started blabbering about not knowing where anything was in St. Augustine. I thought to myself, "Senor, if you don't know how to do your job maybe you should hire someone to do it for you!"
And we haven't even gotten to the actual inspection. Should I call back to the office and request another inspector? You folks might be seeing me on the news. "And she was such a nice person. We can't believe she did this." kind of thing.
Then he says, "Did you have the whatchamacallit done already?" "What?" "Oh, the whatchamacallit, plan thing." "What plan thing?" "I can't look right now, I'm driving. Where your plans are looked at. Are you trying to get me in an accident?" "Are you talking about the plan review? It's been done and approved." "Lady, you need to get someone to do this for you. Who signed it?" I told him the name. "OK"
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