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Hello, I just recieved a sm025 smoker for birthday and christmas, but I have never smoked before. I have always wanted to though. I am trying to smoke some summer sausage and the recipe calls to smoke it for 5 hours at 160.
I did that but my smoker did not create any smoke? i turned it up to 200 and it just took off and the temp got up to 291 and smoke was billowing out the top. I tried to turn it back down to 180 or 160 and it just kept heating back up to 270's anyone have any suggestions
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Call Bill at CS and he will help with any questions, or help trouble shoot.

One thing to remember about the sm025, it has a program that makes it run wide open for the first 20 minutes that it is turned on/started. This is to help get the wood started smoking. It will cause the temp to go up at the start, most of us will open the door to dump the heat if we're wanting to smoke at low temps such as you are.
Thanks, do you happen to know at what temp it starts the kick off cycle. I turned my smoker to 160 and it ran for 5 hours without smoking. I saw some smoke come out t first but then nothing. So I opened the smoker and the wood looked fresh and new? So I turned it up to 200 and it took off to 295 degrees an I opened it up to release the heat and smoke.

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