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Hello all, I have looked through the various posts about my temp problem but didn't come across one that varies in temp as much as mine.

I have been seasoning my new smokette for the past 5 hours. Used two chunks of CS wood, set at 225 and didn't use an ext. cord. Nothing else in the smoker. I used my Polder to watch the temp.

I did experience the temp "spike" in the very beginning that has been noted in other posts, and seems to be normal however, after that the temp has been on a roller coaster ride. The smoker has been cycling between a constant 193 deg to 263 deg. (give or take 1 or 2 degrees)

It has not stabilized or even stayed around the 225 mark for the entire 5 hours. Just seems to cycle between the two temps. and holds at the high or low for about 3 minutes before heading for the other direction.

Is this normal for the first "smoke" or is this something I should contact CS about?

Thanks for your help.
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Or you might try some metal containers with water to replicate having more density in the chamber. I see similar ranges and used to worry about it, but now find that the range is not objectionable. Over several hours, the meat will cook well and you won't have to continue to tend to it. Enjoy, don't worry about it, and leave the cooking to the CS.
Update...contacted CS customer Service today. They said that temp swing was normal! Smoked just under 6 lbs. baby backs today cut into 1lb. sections....two per rack. Set at 220. Ribs took 6 hours till just done but not quite "pulling from the bone" done. Still think that extreme temp swing has something to do with the longer cook time...or maybe I'm wrong. I'm not cooking by time...just seeing if my smoker's temp swing is really something to be concerned about. Anyway, the ribs tasted great in the end and as noted by others on the forum, I'm going to log the Lbs, cook time, etc. and make adjustments as I do more smokes. I'll learn this thing yet! Thanks for your replies. Smiler
I have owned my smoker for 4 years now and have always had the problem with almost identical temperature fluctuations. At first I thought it was the ext. cord. Customer service had no answer. True, a full smoker will stabilize the temperature somewhat but I have learned to live with it and after using it for a while, you get used to it. Seems like it could be more accurate but.....

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