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I am not a professional but read here regularly for all the shared information. I am involved in a large event which hires a caterer (a local restaurant). Is it customary for the caterer to add on a percentage to the bill to cover a tip? What would be the accepted amount if this is done? Also,do you charge by the number of people fed or the amount of food eaten in a self-serve buffet setup? Thanks for any input on this - we are trying to find out if the bills we get are accurate/reasonable.
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If the caterer is bringing staff, servers, cooks, bussers etc... adding a tip is typical, 15-20% is usually added into the contract price for that.

As far as whether you pay by the person or the food, it should be based on a minimum head count, you contracted for at least 100 the restaurant will usually bring enough for 110 - 115 and charge you a per person premium for anything over your contract amount. Again it depends on the contract, you may also get charged for the food regardless of how many eat.

It's early and late and have only slept 2 hours a night for the past 5 days straight... so I hope I made some sense.
We found that most customers will forget, or don't consider it customary to tip caterers. But, think nothing of tipping a waiteress at a restrant 15-20% for carrying your food from the kitchen to the table {that's a bigger cut than the farmer who raised it gets}.

So, because they might forget, we automatically add a 15% tip on to the cost of the meal. Some customers tip us more than that.

We also add our state sales tax.

We tell them that up front in our contract.

Good Luck, Roger
I'm getting the feeling that you are the person hiring someone to do your catering? Or are you the caterer?
If you're hiring them, in addition to tipping them the 15%, during the event, bring them out and introduce them, let them take a bow. It's no sweat off your back, no expense, and it sure makes them feel better. It shows that you care.
Actually I just know someone who works for the person hiring the caterer. They are trying to contain costs and since someone else was in charge last year, they are just looking at all costs to determine what is reasonable.

The introduction idea is good. I will pass that along.


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