I sometimes like to watch reruns of The Andy Griffith Show...especially as they pan the window of the local 'market'...can't remember his name...Mr. Haney????... Anyhow the window always advertises things like: Bananas 5 cents a pound, sirloin steak 29 cents a pound, stuff like that.
I also remember butchers grinding up flank steak into hamburger as well as the 'triangular tip' part of the loin. I also remember in the past not too many years paying 69 cents a pound for untrimmed tri-tip and a buck ten if it was trimmed.
Now, all due respects to Tom about tri-tip maybe gonna catch on all across the country and the price going up, just this weekend I was looking for 'carne' at my local Costco and passed on the tri-tip at $5.99 per pound...in the BULK pack!!!
I do know that food here in the U.S. is a bargain...I have great respect for the farmer, rancher, and cattle rancher, who don't get paid nearly what they oughta, but that's a heap-o-dough for what used to be hamburger!!
I chose a two-pack of sirloin steaks ...grilled 'em over a screaming hot fire, no smoke around..., and paid $3.69 a pound for them. I do love good tri-tip, and I've cooked bunches and bunches of them, but I slow down a bit at $5.99 a pound my friends!
(Oh, and, on topic, thank you very much...I'd never smoke a tri-tip. I think you'd render out all the fat and be left with meat strings. Oh, and and...I never go past medium rare with them either, no matter how much my wife might complain...let her eat salad, that's what I say!)