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I must give a shout out to Chris Green over at another forum for the initial research and trial runs. For the smoked Tri-Tip I confess that I am merely standing on the shoulder of giants, enjoying the spoils of their hard work. Now on with the show.

I was in search of the method to reproduce the greatness of the Smoked Sirloin a la Texas Land and Cattle (TxLC). The cut they use is indeed Tri-Tip. This weekend I hit a home run reproducing it in all it's hallowed glory.

3.5lb Tri-Tip, started out at 39degrees straight from the fridge. Rinsed, pat dry, rub with canola oil (or whatever you prefer), sprinkle with kosher salt on all sides, light garlic powder on fat cap, LOTS of very course freshly ground black pepper on the fat cap, Smokette Elite on 235 degrees. Took 2 hours exactly to bring it up to 145 at the thickest part. Turned off smoker, cracked the door, let it rest for 30 minutes. At the end of the rest it was 150 internal and 159 on the smaller end (was going for more done for the wife and kids).

It was perfect. Never had it better at TxLC. Tri-tip sirloin is hard to find here in central Texas but I found it at a for real butcher shop (none of the grocery stores, save one, had it and the one that had it mangled it so that it was unrecognizable as a tri-tip.)

It was very juicy, very tender, and even the ends were still somewhat juicy despite being on the medium-well end.


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  • Smoked_tri-tip

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