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My water smoker is open at the bottom and I am afraid I lose a ton of heat there (regardless of the top venting position)...Are there any recommendations for trapping the heat - either an aluminum tub (remember the old college days of the aluminum tub for kegs??? I know they're plastic know, I'm just trying to separate myself from the very young) or something else?

I also feel that I need to attach a temperature gauge to the body of my smoker so I don't have to open the door to check the temp inside. Do they make ones you can attach to the body of the smoker so I can read the chamber temp? As Always...Thanks...

I am doing my first Brisket (5 lbs from Costco)..I have read a great many things. 1 1/2 hours per lb, wrap at end and stuff in cooler with towels, etc...I just want to maintain my 225 degrees so I can attain 200 in the meat...Suggestions on temp gauge?
Original Post
I'd recommend moving this to the open forum,thermometer forum, or Brisket forum. You've had the smoker for 3 years and it was designed the way it was for a reason. Why modify it now? I doubt there are any/many New Braunfels Vertical owners here. You may want to try BBQBrethern or SmokingMeatForums. I wish I could help more. Does New Braunfels have a forum? Wink

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