If you haven't already purchased the shoulder, get a butt instead. Get the one with the most visible fat. After the smoke season run, put the seasoned butt in with 4 oz. wood, foil the top of the woodbox and the floor of the smoker, poke a drain hole, place a drippan, stick a thermometer probe into the meatiest area of the butt, close the door, turn it on 200*. Let it go until it seems to be stuck between 150-170*, then turn it up to 250* until the meat temp reads 195-205*. If you already have the shoulder, don't worry, just take it to around 190*, wrap it in foil, let rest out of the smoker for an hour and see how it pulls. You might want to start the cook around dark-thirty or bedtime so it finishes the next day and might even can allow to rest in foil, towels, and in a cooler until supper.
Sounds like alot to swallow, but really simple.
Have fun, experiment, take good notes!