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In my own opinion, food cooked over charcoal will never taste the same when cooked in a indirect heat smoker. Maybe Russ could chime in with his opinion on this.

I'm not saying it won't taste good, but it will not be the same as being cooked directly over charcoal. Having said that, I will say that I do cook my chicken and other poultry in the FEC. I also cook other meats in there at the higher temps and enjoy them immensely. But if I want a steak, I fire up the Weber kettle.
When the weather is bad out,(I keep my pit on the side porch next to the kitchen door) I crank up my FEC to 450* and put the steaks on the bottom rack. They taste fine. Another way is to get a couple of thick ribeyes and cook them low (200*-240*) They pick up the hickory flavor and come out real tender.

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