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as you know i own two honda eu3000is generators. while cooking friday for this saturdays farmers market i was involved in a severe thunderstorm which was not predicted. the wind was severe enough that my 8 x 18 foot rig was buffeted to 6 inch side to side lists. many trees came down and there was approximately 1 foot of standing water in under 30 minutes. this went on for about 3 hours.
during this time one of the units shut down but fortunately it wasn't the one that was controlling power to the fec and sm as changing electric lines in standing water is a fools paradise at best.
after allowing the unit to dry all day saturday i tried to refire it this sunday morning.
it started without missing a beat.
after allowing it to run for 30 minutes i plugged in two electric heaters to check for proper electric output.
it never missed a lick except that for the 1st hour of this the idle was a little funny on eco-switch setting. after 2 hours of full speed running this is correcting itself.
did i mistreat these generators?? of course i did. i was tired after a bad work week and was simply too lazy to load the concrete bucket that holds my gennie umbrella and that is my fault.
but honda covered my stupidity.
so that is why i recommend these generators so highly
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We have an EU3000is Honda and love it. We get many comments on how quiet it is too.

We also have a Honda powered 13 hp with a 6.5 KW Coleman that has a lot of power, was cheap, but is very LOUD! It can't be used vending or catering because it is so loud.

I gotta agree with the Honda. We only had one problem with it, a poor idle that was caused from the shippers tipping the unit and getting the air filter soaked with oil and choking off the airflow.
my eco-idle is coming back around after 5 1/2 hours of running. if you ever get one so wet that it dies i can highly recommend plugging in 2 electric heaters for a load.
bad part about all this wasn't the farmers market but the florida state bbq championships coming up on friday and saturday and no way to get another gennie due to the hurricane a'comin lol
jack Big Grin
all i can say is i am glad for this forum.
chateaubeyound told me about them in this forum and how well they do on the bonneville salt flats in all kinds of weather plus they meet mpa standards for noise in on location filming.
ocala bill for calling us last year from chatanooga while hurricane 3 was closing in here (we had gotten the rig just delievered but gennies were nowhere to be found)
cadillac for emailing last year where he found one on e-bay in upstate new york.
so it sure ain't my brain power just a lot of good people on this forum that have helped,and continue to help us.
so thanks everybody Big Grin
ps. q, yep thats why. honda engineers cover idiots.
pps. chris how did you solve no gennies for 3 months. hope you still had a good year. for what it is worth one of my carlises tires went south on me and i never could get a adjustment
Well it was a pain but I just had to make sure and have power at my events. Not a huge big deal but the idea that my brand new stuff wasn't working right.....well, this is a family forum and all so let's just say I was not happy.

Yes, Jack, we have been busy all summer and fall...slowing down now but I do have some catering in November and December. We are having a great time doing what we love to do.
Hey Jack,

I saw on an earlier post that if you didnt do competitions that you would have used two SM150's instead of the FEC100.

How would that affect your current setup with the 2 Honda eu3000's? Would you still go with the 2 Honda's with the extra power draw that the SM150's require?


To run everything on my rig at the same time I need approx. 10,000W. However, I get by find with one Honda eu3000. You just have to know the wattage on each piece of equipment and juggle your usage of electricity. Yeah, its a bit of a pain, but its much cheaper to buy, easier to store, move, operate and maintain just one. You just have to make sure you turn off all heater elements before turning on the microwave.

after watching rootsman at minneola doing the "shutdown dance" he sure has a good system worked out and it sure does work well for him!!!!
to answer your question though i think i would try what he does 1st to see how that went. at 54 i am neither as coordinated as mark is nor as agile.
if i failed to be able to do what he does so successfully more than likely i would do this (and i could use the proceeds of selling the fec to pay for it all). i would buy a paralell kit for the eu3000is i currently have which would give me 6000 watts on my "hard" leg and purchase a 3rd eu for my "ez" leg.
as you can tell this is something i have been considering though i have not reached the serious stage yet.
but for sure i would try rootsman way 1st. it was like watching him doing a really cool dance and it worked and saved a lot of bucks too boot!!!!
When we started competing in FBA, I saw few people if any using generators. The first couple events we attended had power loss and we plugged folks into the generators we had. They were the Hondas. This last Minneola event we attended, I saw a whole lot of Honda generators. With the gas costs as high as they are, I was surprised. But they are pretty quiet, dependable for us, and Jack and I can still lift them.
You should watch Mark (Rootsman) doing the generator dance! He switches stuff on and off. Very graceful!
I got to visit Jack and Peggy (thanks guys it was great seeing you) at their operation in St Augustine today and those generators were quiet. I think I would go with the Honda's or maybe Northern Tool gennies with the Honda engines (they are only 10db noisier). But you cant beat those Hondas.

You brought us good luck! We wound up having one of our best days at the market in a long time! It was pretty slow during the hot summer. I wish you had hung around longer.
We had a little old lady that wanted a 1/2 brisket sandwich, 3 chicken thighs and 1/2 slab of ribs. She couldn't eat a full brisket sandwich because she was a vegetarian!
Sometimes you just got to go MEAT!
I was so happy to meet you and Donna.
As far as the generators go, I think we should put a cover on them and charge folks, still. But Jack says that ain't right.
Hey you did have that one guy who wanted to order the Honda generators while we were there!

We would have hung around a bit, but didnt want to get in the way and the farmer market was beginning to close down...but we did have a nice time, thanks again. We'll be back!

We do most of our business in the last hour before closing. It's lunch time then, but a lot of people buy boxes of meat at that time for their dinner. I'm thinking about selling frozen bags of the pulled pork with reheating directions for that section of the market.

And Jack was thinking of selling generators!


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