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I don't know. I have a Maverick dual zone. It has been used 100+ times in the past year and I've had no problems with it at all. I paid $37 I think, and if it failed tomorrow, I would not hesitate to replace it with a similar unit.

I do know that you should not run probes in dishwasher, which I don't. They get wiped down and thats it.
Boil your defective probe in oil - I'm thinking they get moisture in the metal housing where they attach to the cable.

After the first several smokes, on my Pyrex brand, my probe went on the "blink". I read on the board somewhere to boil the probe in oil. I tried it (I used peanut oil) and the probe worked again, but only for a couple of smokes. So, I boiled it again - but longer and waited until all the little bubbles had exited the probe where it meets the cable. Since then and for a couple of years now, the probe has worked without a problem.

Happy Trails
Maybe we'll hear of some more places to get replacement probes.

I usually end up just buying a whole new unit, as I don't go through probes very often. But I'm real picky about taking care of them. I think the probe issue has a lot to do with care and feeding of the probe.

Like Trails said (I posted the fix I found from another board about boiling in oil) if it gets moisture inside the probe, it will make the sensor ineffective. There are some thoughts about how to keep moisture from getting in, like shrink tubing.

Don't crimp the wires.

And when you buy replacements, buy a couple of extra ones.
Great suggestions I will try the oil trick and see what happens Also last night I when out to
wally world and pick up a new therm ( taylor brand ) so if I get the other one working great if not no big deal but the prices on these things have gone way down ( $16.00) for a whole unit so if I were to buy a replacement probe at $7.99 plus 4 to 5 dollars shipping it dose not make since to replace the probes unless you can fine some place to but them in bulk ( but that what all these people have done with there web sites lol) thanks for the info
Author Topic: Taylor replacement probes
Member # 916

posted July 22, 2004 03:23 PM
I e-mailed Taylor about replacement probes and this is the reply I received....

Taylor Model #1470 additional probes are available at the listed
price of $5.00 each. Taylor does not take credit cards or Cod, personal check or money order will do. Please when ordering please write the part number (#1470RP) somewhere on the check or money order. Please make out to the following;

Taylor Precision Products
2220 Entrada del Sol
Las Cruces, NM 88001
Attn: E. Salas

Once your letter is received an order will drop for your new probes.
Taylor will handle shipping and there is no taxes, each probe is $5.00 even. I
hope this information proves to be helpful to you.

I just ordered three. Expect delivery next week........Don

I believe these are interchangable with polder...
Be sure not to lose one real important statement ,by Smokin',from a very good thread.
But I'm real picky about taking care of them. I think the probe issue has a lot to do with care and feeding of the probe"

I have had to boil a couple probes ,but most of mine are over seven yrs old.

The units get dropped,set in weather,have doors shut on the cables-regular,are used in 500�,etc.

I interchange them all,except the Mavericks,have bent the tips on most of them.

I hate to say this,because I'll go home and they'll all be dead,I have yet to replace a probe.
I put them down through the vent hole. I have pyrex's and the other end that connects into the display end is a 90 degree and won't fit. Although you probaley won't lose that much smoke or heat using the door entry.
Smokin posted today that he inserts the probe during prep. This will give you a better probe placement I would think? Cool
j foley - Now that you got your probe working it's well worth you time to go to Ace Hardward and buy some heat-shrink tubing or tape and apply it where the wire and probe join. You can use a very hot blow dryer to shrink it. If that doesn't worrk, use a match or lighter but be careful not to get it too close as it will melt the tape.

Not sure if I understand, but are you putting it down through the grease hole?

I'd be really worried about getting no only grease on the probe, but since the wire is going real near the fire box, of it making contact with the firebox.

But hey, if it works for you, go for it.
I'm on Left Coast and confused.
I bought a Polder and it doesn't work (display peg like at 500+C even though the smoker is sitting at 220F). I eventually get around to emailing Polder and see what's going on.

Get some real nice emails back and forth (considering its only a $25 purchase) saying:
"Unfortunately it cannot be used in the smoker or bbq. The condensation from the smoke gets into the wire probe and damages it. None of our thermometers can be used in a smoker, however it can be used as an instant read. You just don't want to leave it in there while it cooks."

But sounds like you all ahve had good experience. What gives?
I too have used Polders for about 5 years and had no problems. I always insert the probe with the opening in the sheath (where the cable enters) facing downward so condensate can't enter the probe.

As regards the "slam the door on the cable" method, it causes problems with the Maverick. I was getting error signals and found that they went away as soon as I opened the door. By rerouting the cable the problems went away.

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