In the past years contests I have hauled around an FEC100, Lang 60, and WSM. This year due to the less than exciting points and the fact this 67 year old really is not looking forward to staying up all night feeding fires, I am really thinking about just cooking all four meats in one FEC100.
I've got my brisket down to very good using 224 degrees and 12 hours. I have always done my ribs and Boston butts at 224 for 14 hours so the only change up would be chicken thighs which I do at 275 but I've done muffin pan chicken at 225 given enough time.
Several years ago I loaned Scottie Johnson my FEC100 for a fly-in contest and he did good for a 6500 foot ski resort.
So what do you think? Not being a zombie Saturday morning sounds good to me.
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