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My wife picked me up a choice 15lb packer cut brisket from sams the other day lol now what!! I have been reading a lot lately on briskets and also read briskets 101, but I don't want to screw up 15lbs of meat. I have never smoked a brisket yet!! A couple of questions: I know the hunk-o-meat wont fit in my sm020 so folding part of the flat underneath itself will be ok? I will have a probe in both the flat and the point but only for reference but go by the meat probe poke for the flat right?? So when the flat is done the point won't be right? The temps I believe I should be targeting are 190-195 for the flat and 210ish for the point??? Sorry for the stupid questions just looking for a lil reassurance that I'm headed in the right direction. Thanks Tim
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Pags gave a good quick response,and cooking a few will help you out.

The nice thing about CS,is a bad one will be pretty good!

I wouldn't even probe the point-now.

Take the deepest place in the flat to 195*,and then see if the probe will pass thru it like butter.If not,cook another few degrees.

Wrap tightly and let it rest for 3-4 hrs.

Open foil and let it come to room temp,before you try to slice.

It won't be perfect,but it will be better than you and your friends ever ate.

If it isn't,take good notes,and we can tweak it.
And do a simple rub. Garlic salt and coarse black pepper. Nothing else this time, and maybe ever. An no foil until you're ready to cooler, and no broth, ever.

You didn't mention wood, but I like hickory or mesquite on brisket. And you can pile on the smoke for brisket too, if you desire. Prefer hickory though.
For longer cooks, put the fat side down. The idea is to put that fat down as a barrier to the direct heat rising.

As for your question about the flat vs point temp. First time out, I wouldn't sweat it. Do what Tom said. You can pull it and hold it.

If you feel like it, try to trim off the point and put it back in. It's a little tricky to do that for the first time, but try it if you want to.
Well the results are in. Man what a success that brisket was. I pulled the brisket out a 193deg cause i could slide the temp probe in the thickest part of the flat with little resitance. I seperated the flat from the point and threw the point back in til it hit 210deg. I foiled the flat for about 3.5hrs sliced and feed the whole family and they loved it. I actually Im eating the point right now for lunch cause that was only leftovers I had from last nite because I had'nt gotten it out to serve. Nothing was dry and really did'nt need and sauce!! Ohh I used the montreal steak seasoning for a rub. Thanks for all the help and tips. Tim

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