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My son is deploying soon on a 3 month deterrent cruise on his sub. The CO asked if I can cook for the pre deployment bbq.

I have 2 FEC 100s and 2 Traeger 150's

Several questions, 1. Can I get 16 pork butts on one FEC? 2. if so, that is 32 butts or approx. 250 lbs pre cooked weight. Is this enough for 200 people some of which are children.

Thanks, It has been a long time since I catered and some of the particulars I have forgotten.
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32 butts should be more than enough. That is about what we would cook for 300-350. And that is using one to two butts to chop up and throw in the beans.

When you cook the butts, you might want to shuffle the bottom rack with the top rack in the FECs about half way through the smoke. This will help even out the cooking on those butts. The two middle racks should be fine on their own.

Also, when I smoke butts, I tend to start them at 140-150 for two hours, 170-180 for another two hours and then 235 for the rest of the time. But because you will so much cold mass in the smokers, I switch to 170-180 for the first four hours and then up to 235. Running at 140-150 with that much cold meat is difficult on the FEC. Dr. BBQ taught me that trick.
Last edited by ribdog
Thanks for the info, I am going to make sure I get a tour of the 'boomer' as payment for services. Smiler

I will let you know if I need donations. The crew has a fund for such occasions. I was planning of donating the meat.

My son is in charge of the entire event. That will teach him to open his mouth at the meetings. Big Grin
"Several questions, 1. Can I get 16 pork butts on one FEC? 2. if so, that is 32 butts or approx. 250 lbs pre cooked weight. Is this enough for 200 people some of which are children."

Have 12 butts on 3 shelves right now. Approx. 105* I start @smoke for 1 1/2 hr, then 180* for 2 hr, 280 for 2 hr, check temp of butts, rotate shelves if I feel it is necessary, then reduce heat to 240* to finish. Keeping in mind that heat rises, the largest butts are no the top shelf, next largest on 2nd shelf, etc.
I'm former navy myself,(early Nam) and I thank and wish your son and all who are in the service, the best. My prayers are with ALL of you
Originally posted by NUPOC:
...1. Can I get 16 pork butts on one FEC? 2. if so, that is 32 butts or approx. 250 lbs pre cooked weight. Is this enough for 200 people some of which are children.

Uh, you're mixing the numbers up. 16 butts is 16 butts. You mean 16 packs? then yes it would be 32. It would also have to be 32 to get to your listed 250 lbs.

16 will fit, 4 on a shelf, just put the largest 4 in the back left corners of each shelf (on mine that's the hot spot). I'd also rotate.

Being a retired AF Office, the local base calls me occassionally to Q something. When I do that, I make it easy on myself. one time for all the butts. one temp. No need to stagger it, and with that many cooking, once they all come to temp, they tend to finish together.

BUT... make SURE to keep the foil clean, empty the pan of grease and that's it's on level ground so the grease drips out. Large butt cooks and then higher temps will lead to problems.

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