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Smoked my first brisket Saturday. It was a 9lb. Choice cut. Smoked on an ECB water smoker.

Used mustard and a Southern Succor rub, then smoked it at an avg. temp of 230 for 10 hours on the flat, and 12 hours for the point.

Started out with 3 oz. hickory, then added 2 more oz. at 7 hours. Was a little concerned about all the talk of briskets acting like a sponge with the smoke. Didn't find it to be true in this case, sort of wished I had used more actually. Also spritzed it with apple juice at the same time.

After pulling the meat out, foiled it in a cooler.

Have to say I was very happy with the outcome. Meat was tender, and juicy. Everyone loved it. Went great with Rendevous BBQ beans and spud salad.

Thanks again to all of you for your input..


Big Grin
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Congrats on the success on your first brisket,especially on your ECB.

I'd hate to do that in your winters, up there.

I got my ECB, when they were $9.95 at the Western Auto Store,and I
didn't know how to do the modifications on them.

There were no forums for shorter learning curves and it made you a hard man, trying to hold heat and do briskets with snow on the ground.

Luckily, I had a show dog kennel,because my many briskets sure didn't turn out like yours. Big Grin

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