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I bought the SM 025 this summer and have made ribs, PB's & almonds. I finally decided to try my first brisket. The only packers I have found are at Wallyworld, so I picked what I thought looked like the best one and it was a 10lb select.

I was tempted to cut off some of the fat but decided to keep it simple and leave it alone. I took it out of the refrigerator applied some Worcestershire sauce and then some Texas BBQ brisket rub. I put it in at 7:30 PM with 4 oz of hickory and set it at 225. At 10:00AM flat read 179 and I bumped it up to 250 and took it off at 12:30 PM with the flat reading 195. The thermapen readings were from 195-200 and the probe went in with little resistance.

I separated the point and flat (wasn't exactly sure how but it seemed to work). I FTC the flat (over 1 hour) and cubed the point with some sauce and more seasonings to make burnt ends per Smokin's Burnt Ends 101.

The end results were great. Nice bark, good flavor, moist and tender but not falling apart. The BE's came out good as well. And to think I use to make "great" brisket in a crock pot (lol).

Lessons learned: Read Brisket 101 several times, read the other brisket posts, and KISS.
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Big Snack,
Nice to hear these good reports on brisket smoking. Tom has said that these smokers were designed for this(brisket cooking).I to have done a WW select and have had good success.I had to look 3-4 times to find one that I liked,but will worth the wait.Keep up the good work!
That KISS does work well.

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