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Used the 101 recipe, including the basting sauce. I though it was great, and so did my family. I was a little nervous, because not everyone in my family is q-crazy, but they raved about it and stuffed themselves.

The butt was from Sam's- 6.72 lbs. I put it in at 11:00 last night, and it reached 195 at 1:00 this afternoon, for a total of 14 hours in the smoker. Used 2 chunks of hickory and 1 chunk of apple. Smoke was pouring out in less than an hour, which just made me giddy. Nothing but ashes were left when I took out the pork. I had the smoker on 225, then bumped it up to 250 at 10:30 this morning since the butt was stuck at 177 and I wanted it to be done in time for lunch. When I pulled it, it just fell apart. I think we're all looking forward to tomorrow's left-overs.

One additional advantage of the CS vs. an offset: I don't completely smell like smoke from practically living in the firebox for 10+ hours!

Thanks for all of the great advice and information on this forum! I can't wait for my next smoke- probably some baby back ribs!!
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