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Haven't had too much luck finding a whole packer brisket in my area (Sam's, Sweetbay, Winn Dixie, Publix) but saw numerous people state they found them at Wal-Mart. They recently opened a Wal-Mart Neighborhood Center (pretty much a grocery store) and found they had packer briskets. Selected the best on I could find- good fat cap, symmetrical flat- approx 11 lbs. Got it home and simply put salt, pepper, garlic powder and cayenne on it. Let it sit in the fridge for about 6 hours and removed it- seasoned again and put it in my SM025 with 5oz of pecan at 10 PM Friday night. Had to fold it to fit. At around 2 PM on Sat it had achieved 190 degrees. Removed and FTC until 5 PM. It was delicious- I can understand why everyone was saying to search for the packer and don't mess with just the flat. In keeping it simple- didn't remove any fat, keep seasoning minimal, no injecting, no opening smoker, foiling, spritzing, etc- this beast was easily one of the best pieces of meat I have done. I highly recommend anyone to search out a packer and overcome your fears.
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