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Well RibDog, I just don't understand what makes some folks want more briskets. My freezer is stuffed with some of those prime briskets, but while at Sam's today I found some BIG choice CAB's for 2.48/lb. Now Sonja doesn't understand why I had to buy those, oh well. It has to be Tom's fault...LOL!

Anyone want to see PICS?
Yep,it do make my mouth water to see all that much great beef together at one place.

Guy down around Knoxville,has a double walkin loaded with prime packers, that rotate and age.

Ready to bring in pros to teach him all week,so he can take the three packers that are ready, out for the weekend comp. Makes you want to rob his mansion...and only take the meat!
Man, look at that. I call foul, blow the whistle or throw a flag or something.

My Sam's only has flats. And Walmart is the only place with pacekrs and they are the same price as your, but they are only select.

Got 65 packers last tuesday for scouts, and did 42 packers toady, just finished. But they were only choice and bettter from Sysco. And only averaged 11 lbs.

Not fair.

Yeah Randy, this isn't the norm. I probably bought a half dozen briskets the whole year there. They are normally too thin/tapered in the flat and are Excel brand choice. I guess it doesn't take much to grade out to choice, by looking at a few of them.

I always check the cooler anyway, I have on occasion seen a couple nice CAB flats, but this is the first time I ran across CAB packers. Small one was just shy of 15# and big one was a little over 16#.

Oh, this summer I did run across a couple Black Canyon choice packers that tipped the scale at 21 and 22 lbs.

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