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I read somewhere that the newer pg500/1000 controllers have 3 DIFFERENT HHT/LHT ranges for different temperature ranges. If so, how do I upgrade/trade to get that. My fingers cramp when trying to reset the HHT/LHT on mine.

That's probably my biggest complaint, they know the setting will be different for different temps, so let us preset for them rather than cramping our fingers...

Next complaint, really want a shutdown cycle... especially if it has been running H O T for a bit.

(How about a setting below 170Deg, of "shu")
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I can CONFIRM the existence of this controller. It is in mine which was built in Feb 2017

You can find additional info on this thread at Pelletheads but it basically breaks down like this. Individual settings in each temp range:

It's a nice feature for low smoking, mid smoking/grilling and high temp grilling because I hate trying to change those values as well.
Originally posted by tybme:
I can CONFIRM the existence of this controller. It is in mine which was built in Feb 2017

You can find additional info on this thread at Pelletheads but it basically breaks down like this. Individual settings in each temp range:

It's a nice feature for low smoking, mid smoking/grilling and high temp grilling because I hate trying to change those values as well.

Help me out here? My unit is just a few weeks old at this point and I've done a few cooks so far with great results having changed the LHT and HHT each time to better suit the temp range versus the factory setting.

How does one locate these 3 ranges of operation with the control pad? I have the up/down arrows with auger / igniter led's and it was originally set to the 10LHT/100LHT when it arrived and keeps the previous cook's modification of the settings when I restart.
You kind of answered your own question with saying this: and keeps the previous cook's modification of the settings when I restart.

So basically there are 3 "levels" at these temp ranges:

The HHT/LHT can be set for each of the 3 ranges and it is maintained by the unit. So if you set 170-280 range at 15/50 you can set the 285-350 range at 15/70 and the 355-600 range at 15/100.
Each range maintains it's own HHT/LHT settings and only changes if you manually make the change. So if you are cooking at 220 and then ramp the temp up to 325 the HHT/LHT changes to meet you predefined range.

So there isn't any way to push a button and have a list of the HHT/LHT settings but when you are within each of those temp ranges the HHT/LHT settings are range controllable.

Sorry I don't feel like I am doing a very good job of explaining it.

I personally set mine to:
and generally leave them alone.
Ah, now I understand thanks for clarifying how it works across the three ranges of temperature.

I'm only on my 5th cook so far and while I had noticed the last 225* session reverted back to my previous adjustments of LHT/HHT for that range I hadn't gone back yet to higher temperature ranges to see the LHT/HHT changes being stored.

Great job explaining it, thanks again I read the thread over at pelletheads and unless I missed something don't believe it was explained there either this ought to be a huge help to PG 500 and 1000 owners.

This feature really ups the ante so to speak, I'll try your three zone settings and see how they work and many thanks again for the information!

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