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I you want to mop, every couple of hours sounds about right. If you're using a Cookshack, bear in mind that you are going to add to the total cooking time by opening the door that often. If you're wanting to add some extra flavor, the mopping may help, but you won't need to use a mop with a CS from a product moisture standpoint.

I most likely use a larger smoker, so I'm not much help with the wood amount. Thats a pretty small cut for pork butt. I usually like to lay as much smoke as a can to pork butt, as the thick cut of meat doesn't soak the smoke into the center very well, but people's tastes as far as amount of smoke vary. If in doubt, I'd probably go light on the wood, and add more wood for your next cook if this one isn't smoky enough for you.

Good luck!

I have never used a mop, at this point in the game I feel I don't need to try. I get way too amny raves about my butts. I check my butt about half way through the smoke and then let it go. The folks are so correct about letting out the heat when you open the door. May I suggest one thing. When you pull you butt out(I pull mine out about 185) double wrap in foil, wrap in a couple of old towels, then palce in a cooler for a couple hours. I don't do a butt with out this step. I think it adds a little "Grace" to what ever you have done to the butt. Have fun..HTH

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