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I wish to share a wonderful success with everyone. I have owned my Amerique for about 9 months now and have become proficient enough with pork butt to have confidence that it should turn out consitently well.

However, brisket has been another challenge and work in progress. Until yesterday, my only brisket was substandard - not at all what I was hoping for.

The result from that experience was not to try another one right away, but to read and re-read this forum for advice. And try to get the "feel" from your experiences rather than unique, or special techniques. I was starting to become "cluttered" with suggestions.

The first thing was to focus on the brisket quality and cut. Like most of you, it became a quest to find that elusive quality brisket. This took some time.

I ultimately found a wholesaler, whom I convinced to sell me one of his briskets, packer cut, directly. I literally paid cash on his loading dock!

It turned out to be a 9 pound Prime, with a tremendous Point (as I had requested). I did not ask for Prime, but that it what he gave me.

Well, I followed Brisket 101 and used the marinade and rub from the 2000-2001 Recipe Contest post in the Forum. Followed Brisket 101, to establish a baseline; except halfway thru, I decided to flip the beast over to place Point side down. I was concerned about the flat becoming overdone. This was the first time I had ever opened the smoker before time/temp was up to check for doneness.

I had two probes – the Cookshack one into the Point, and another one (which I received for Xmas) into the flat. The two probes, except for the first few hours, showed a ten degree difference. Oddly, the flat showed the lower temp than the Point. I will need to check for temp accuracy for the new thermometer.

Well the Point Probe hit 190 at the 16 hour mark, then HD foil Point side down, with about 4 oz total of chili sauce, beef broth, and our favorite BBQ sauce on top of the flat. Then towel wrapped into the cooler.

My thanks to Tom/SmokinOkie for advice that a prime cut could be pulled at the 190 level for the point, rather than 205ish.

Four hours later, out it came and it was unbelievable. Separated Point from flat and people were sampling right from the cutting board!

The couple that joined us, with adult children, grew up in Texas and KC, Mo and they were ecstatic with the results. My son and girlfriend, who have gone to a number of comp BBQ events, also were complementary with high praise.

I wish I had pictures for you because it was a thing of beauty. The taste was fantastic.

By the way, I used 3.5 oz of Pecan and 1 oz of Apple wood.

Again, thanks for all the help and encouragement!
Original Post
I'm glad you had a successful cook and you should take good notes for the next time.

Briskets may vary greatly.

Personally,the "contest brisket" that keeps showing up with new folks,is a far cry from most competent brisket cooks' taste and techniques.

The part I can agree with is" the quality of the meat" can make a big difference

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