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I have an Amerique, love it to death. But I'm jealous of the smokette users that have a cart they can order. Anyone have any ideas where to/how to put the Amerique up on a stand ? I have back problems and it is painful to get down on the patio to empty the pan, clean the unit, foil it etc.

Any ideas ? I've searched the forums but find nothing. It would be nice to get this thing up to waits level or so.
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If you google "Cresco", they are a restaurant supply store. Then look at their stainless steel tables, you might find what you are looking for. They have a 24"x24" stainles NSF rated table with a lower shelf for $135. I have bought a couple larger ones and like them. The legs slide into sockets under the table top with a couple set screws each. The legs could be easily cut to make any height table you want. The lower shelf is adjustable in height also. Hope this helps
We got our smoker last week and put it on this stainless steel table:

They have different sizes but we bought the 30" X 36" size and put the smoker toward the rear of the table to avoid making a mess on our deck. The table is built like the proverbable brick outhouse and sounds exactly like the one hayman is referring to; with the legs sliding into sockets under the table top, with set screws. That setup also allows you to level the table, which is a nice feature.

This link is to the original thread that first got me interested in this setup:

FYI, scroll down to the post from "Magic Dragon Be Smokin" with the pictures of the tables.
Last edited by Former Member
Originally posted by SmokeItAll:
Thanks for the SS cart info. Stupid question I guess, but what do I need to cut the stainless steel legs ? Ive drilled into SS before and even with carbide drill it was an ordeal. Any 'best way' to slice the legs ?

I don't have a clue how to cut the legs but all of the tables at Sam's are 34" high, which was a perfect height for the wife and me. BTW, I'm 6' 1" and she's 5' 6". However, we have the 09, which isn't all that tall to start with.

I do know that "Magic Dragon Be Smokin" cut the legs on one of his tables, so you might want to click on his name and then the "Invite _______ to a Private Topic" and send him a message to find out what he used.
Sawzall with the right blade. Check the phone book for your area. Look for a metal/welding shop. A chop saw also works. Shouldn't cost more than $20.00. Most guys will do it no problem. have them all clearly marked and just ask to have them cut. Flash the twenty. They can have them cut in 20 seconds. Especially with a chop saw.
Hey SmokeItAll,

Before you go to all the trouble of cutting the legs off an SS table, take a look at Home Depot plastic storage shelves.

I use one under my AmeriQue and it works perfectly. It gives me storage under the smoker and you decide how high your unit stands just by using the assembling the number of shelves you want. I'll try to post a picture if you would like.

I don't remember the exact dimensions, but it's wide enough to allow some tabletop area next to the smoker and deep enough to completely support it too.

I have mine set so the bottom is at about waist level. I'm 5'7" and I can easily slide stuff in and out.

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