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During my Texas BBQ pilgrimage last year I noticed many of the "shrines" hold finished packers in butcher paper. It was obvious that the paper wicked up the excess fat/drippings thereby creating a somewhat air-tight wrapping.

These papered briskets were often kept in a cool zone of the floor pits, or in holding boxes that provide a little moisture and a steady 140-150 ish heat.

This weekend I'm smoking 6 packers for a charity event and would like to give the PTC method a try. Any feedback on this would be appreciated...I've FTC'd but never PTC'd.

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Also,helps keep from taking on continued smoke in those stickburner pits.Seems like butcher paper "wicks" oil away by contact,while still allows air to pass thru,while blocking some smoke particles?They say it doesn't eat holes thru it like foil does and easier to handle without gloves.

You need the old slo/lo temps rather than Myron's hot cooking ,or you wind up wih candles. Big Grin

Doesn't steam/parboil the interior meat and mush the bark like plastic ,or heavy foil.

We see heavy paper grocery sacks around the South, to hold whole shoulders/butts the same way.Cooks say butcher paper doesn't let the meat fall thru like brown paper bags.

Have talked to some teams that do it in the South, with mixed results.Seems they need about triple thickness of butcher paper.Some paper has a coated side and not sure how you faced the meat.

We were cooking the state championship in Charleston,SC at a big plantation there and state cooks used cotton pillow cases and one team by us used bed sheets to get the correct thickness.They used to use clean unused feed sacks in the old days,but now they have some kind of coating on them.

Too many things to think about for ol' country cooks like us. Confused
Last edited by tom
The paper wrapped briskets had a bit more bark. Internal texture was about the same. All could have been a tad juicier but circumstances dictated a 5 hr Cambro holding time, which may have been a factor.

All 6 briskets were Black Canyon Angus (National Meat) brand. Didn't inject...used CS Brisket and TXBBQ Brisket #2 rubs. Flavor was very good on all.
My tried & true brisket method now is to cook to internal @160, then pull & wrap meat with 1/2 cup suitable liquid (drippings or apple juice (2parts)/beef broth (2parts)/red wine vinegar (1part) mixture containing a pinch of rub, wrapping meat/liquid with parchment then over wrap that with aluminum foil, returning the wrapped brisket until internal reaches 190-200F. I like this approach for these reasons:
- Moisture is returned very well, meat never dries out during the fat rendering journey from 160-190.
- Time from 160 to 190 & above is accelerated.
- You avoid putting meat in direct contact with aluminum foil where corrosion from salty juices allows Aluminum to contaminate your food. I never allow meat to be in direct contact with aluminum foil - bad idea.
- Finished, wrapped end product can be cooked one day, reheated without flavor degradation, drying out, making it easy to have food ready when guests arrive!
- A great way to store in the freezer.

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