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I bought a few packs of pork spare ribs at Costco yesterday and just finishe applying CS Rib Rub.

I've had a problem when applying rubs that you might be able to help with. I pulled the membrane off the ribs and they seemed dry enough without paper toweling them off. I sprinkled a decent amount of rub on them and began to rub it it. I've done this with poultry as well.. and.. when rubbing in.. a lot of it sticks to my hands and begins to ball up. By the time I'm finished rubbing.. I can have about 1/8" of rub stuck to my hands.

Any solutions to this.. I'm sure I'm not the only one this has happened to. Is this a case where you mix the rub with mustard or something and slather it on..???

Someone was kind enough to post a website yesterday for doing beef rubs.. a great photo tutorial, so to speak. No mention of problems like mine. I finally wound up re-sprinkling and covering with saran wrap and putting in frig for 34 hours or so.

Pass me on all yer lernin folks..

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The secret is to have large amounts of rub, a gallon of it. With this much rub in your hand the rub serves as an insulator from the moisture on the meat and your hand stays dry.

I have watched the commercial fish smokers do it this way, but I have never had that much rub or that much money to waste on a single item to rub - so I just get my hand well coated with wet rub, just like you. Big Grin

Merry Christmas, Bill

I don't rub. I let it sit for a little bit and the moisture helps wetten the rub and it sticks by itself.

All that hoo hah about rubbing it in to tenderize the meat...don't tell me you believe those commercials?

When I apply sometimes, I might have to even out the application if it gets too thick on one area. I use rubber gloves. The rub doesn't stick very well to them, unless you have excessive moisture.
I don't know about any commercials.. but, most of the shows I've seen on Food Network, Paula, Flay, etc.. all say to rub it in well. I'm still a newbie and those folks are WAY ahead of me.. so, that's what I did.

Birds, on the outside of the skin I sprinkle.. when I do a turkey and put the rub under the skin.. I'm forced to rub it in.. sprinkling ain't a choice.

But, for the butts and ribs I've done so far.. I've rubbed.

I thought it was a question worth asking for my own help.

heres how i do it and i know that others may laugh but i put a thin layer in the bottom of a hotel pan. then if i am doing ribs i lay them bone side up towards me and meat side down in the pan and sprinkle my rub on the bone side and then flip them over and even out the rub on the meat side. butts i use the same technique but i think of them as a cube and just do all six sides. saves on rub and sure saves on waste and cleanup and thats how i do them.

but from the sounds of it i don't know who is more frugal me or smokemullet Eeker
must be a florida cracker thing lol

hope this helps
ps hope your son is well and safe!!!!!
Originally posted by prisonchef313:
but from the sounds of it i don't know who is more frugal me or smokemullet
ps hope your son is well and safe!!!!! [/qb]
Thanks all. Hey Jack.. I'm probably the one who is so tight he squeeks around here. That's one of the issues.. 'rolling into little balls and falling off' and the other is how much sticks to my hands. What a waste. Guess I could lick it off my hands Eeker

I guess I'll forget what I saw on TV and continue to sprinkle.. let it sit overnight in the frig.. and add more before putting into the smoker.

And yes.. heard from my son yesterday.. He is doing well.. loves his job but is frustrated with it in some cases because there seems to be no electrical code in Bagdad Confused

the real reason i came up with the pan method is i hate to clean up. i mean after working all day clean up isnt fun so whatever i can do to early on solve that problem i'm gonna do Big Grin
funny part is as a side benefit i can do a better job with less waste.

tell your son his problem reminds me of what my seabee dad told me. when they left guadacanal and went to manila they had to have pipe fast for rebuilding the harbor infrastructure. seems every house in manila had the lead plumbing on the out side of the houses. so he just took his pipe from there Eeker maybe your son can do a similar thing lol Big Grin
ps guess they better not let me, you and smokemullet in the same room. the squeeks would be deafening
You guys.......this thread requires a bit of Q humor.

Here's what I have come up with as a result of this topic.

1st off, my 2 shillings worth. I have never rubbed anything without using my hands. And whatever it was over the years that I rubbed. It usually was messy. So I'm gonna classify what I season my ribs & butts with as a rub & my method is rubbing.

For those who do not use their hands. Well, you have to quit callng your spice mixture a rub. From now on you officially sprinkle and you use sprinkles.

And Jack, I have no idea in H-E double toothpicks what to call your clean method....maybe messlessing, and your spice concoction could be messlessels

Sorry Mama doesnt claim me either! :-)
Down here on the farm the meat can be cooked real fresh-like. Some times we go out to the barn and strangulate the poultry ourselves. When in a hurry I can season the pork at the same time but I'm not sure this is good. I guess what I'm askin' is if I can rub my butt and choke my chicken at the same time?

C'mon ... you said this thread needed some humor!! (is this too tasteless??)
lmao.........I left yesterday before the last 4 posts. This morning I was busting a gut all by myself in the office when someone walked in.

JonE, rub away. Its alot easier to rub and choke than it s to sprinkle and choke. And think of the complications involved if you used Jack's method and choked at the same time.
Sheesh.. and I thought I was asking a serious question when I started this thread.. you all have SERIOUS problems.. All I had on the screen when SWMBO'd came up was the last few comments.. and she said "WHAT is this all about?" FOFLMButtO

I learned a bit.. in some cases more than I bargained for....

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