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I have a model 55 and I only take a paper towel and wipe the bottom each time I replace the foil in the bottom and of course you have to clean the drip pan each time.

The only other thing I do is about every 6 or so smokes I pull out the grill racks on each side and wipe them with a paper towl and then take a scraper to the walls. You don't try to scrape the black off. Just gently remove the flakey build up on the walls. That is all I do other then wash the grills after each use and it works fine for me.

BTW, I recommend the model 50 or 55 if you can swing it. The extra space comes in handy often enougn for me to be glad I went for the bigger model. Right now there is a special on the Smokette but if you talk nice to Donna you might get her to give you a deal on a bigger model! Wink

Worth the money?

How many Smoker's out there have a $$$$ back guarantee.

1140 forum members can't be wrong (although 1 or 2 aren't members -- yet!)

Check the Owners section and the Owners Archive -- there are enough testimonials out there to answer that question for you. I haven't seen one response since we opened this forum that they didn't like the results.

Feel free to ask a specific question, get a specific answer.

Hope you'll buy.

Any Cookshack smoker you buy is well worth the money!! It just depends on how much you plan on smoking,to decide which model to buy.
They are very easy easy to clean. A little non stick spray on the racks will make it easier to clean. Use Greased Lightning for a cleaner.

Enjoy, Jimbo

A search through the archives will show that I also went through the Smokette / 50 / Smokette / 50 worries. I settled on the 050.

Was it worth the money? You bet. Is the Smokette worth the money? Sure it is! The major difference imho is the quantity of food that can be easily prepared. Sure there are some hardware differences I guess, but it seems to boil down (errrrr, smoke down) to how much to you want or need to cook at one time.

I never cease to be amazed at how much people eat of what comes out of the CS. They'll eat far more than you would imagine 'cause it's so darned good. I've had 8 year old's finish off a half rack of ribs.

And I gotta tell ya' - ain't nothin' makes a cook happier than seein' folks lookin' 'round to see if there's any more left.

We're leaving for Ireland in a few days and are bringing (attempting to bring) a dozen racks of ribs with us for some friends who had some CS ribs when they were here a few months ago. They've been begging us to bring them.

Hey - cook 'em - eat 'em - then cook some more!


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