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Last summer I smoked some pork spare ribs in my smoker. After dry rubbing them, I started them off in the smoker @ 220 degrees for 2 hours, stacked them in foil in the smoker for 2 more hours, then finished them on the racks for 1 more hour. The were succulent and falling off the bone. Today I made baby backs and followed the same methods. After 5 hours I took them off and they were neither succulent nor falling off the bone. They were kinda chewey. If I had left them on longer, would that have helped in making them more tender? Please help.
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Cayenne, yep, give 'em more time. The meat should be pullin' back from the bone, when you twist a bone it should be loose and if you bend a slab it should start to crack apart. If if they don't do any of that stuff give 'em more time. As MR. Smokin' would say, "It's done when it's done."

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