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The battery and inverter is a great power supply for the FE100. When your plugged into power at an event it would be wise to have an inline volt meter with you. Low voltage is an issue with electronic controls and motors. These units like 115-120 volts and when you drop below this thats when they do act up at times. The meters that just plug in are available from rv supplys. We have run over 20 hrs on a battery. These unit only pull 250 watts the first 4 minutes and then50 watts after that.
Hi Ocala Bill - How long does the battery last running the FE100? Or, are you saying you have the charger hooked up to the battery during the competition and then run the power through your battery/inverter? Thanks

Tom Chilton

Originally posted by ocala bill:
[qb]I use an inverter (400 watts), deep cycle battery and a small charger in competion. I run this set up full time. If the power goes out, and it does often, the FE never knows. Would not leave home with out it.

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