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Hello all,

Looking for alittle help... Might be a dumb question however, I keep thinking about it.

All right I am smoking a pork butt and will pull after I get done with the cook. I would like to have my friends choice the BBQ sauce of their liking. Should I still add like some kind of rub (which I have read poeple do) some type of sauce that will bring out the taste of whichever BBQ sauce they add?

Any thoughts?

What I have done so far ...

Added Rub of choice ( Auther Byant's plus alittle sugar) let it sit for 12 hours in the fig.

what I am thinking ....
2 to 3oz of wood... Cook at 225 .... Get the internal temp to 200 I think I plan to add sometype of mop about 10 hours in...
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Originally posted by mlesser:
...Might be a dumb question however,

Nah, we never get those. It's the questions the lurkers don't ask that bother me...

Keep it simple. Rub the pork with a simple rub, just buy one locally and try it. If you want to make one, check out this link in the recipe archive (hint hint):

Favorite Butt Rub

You mentioned adding sugar, just make sure it's not white or brown sugar, they tend to burn quicker. I mix turbinado (now available at all Walmarts).

Cook it to 195 to 200 internal. Don't mop.

Then pull add a little rub and let them sauce their own.


Make them eat it without sauce first to get a taste for the work you did, then if they want to sauce it, let them.

You could have a Butt Sauce Tasting party.

1. A Vinegar one (see the guys recommending some guys named Smokin Okie)

2. A tomato based

3. A mustard based (yeah, try that one them, I love the stuff, Jack has a good one in the recipe section)

Oh, and on cheap white buns too.
ozzwood -- Without a doubt, do a big fatty pork butt! Nothing better, easier and very forgiving! Cover it with a thin coat of yellow mustard, rub with whatever you have, toss in about 4-5 oz of hickory, oak or pecan and let er rip! Take the butt to about 195˚ internal. Once 195 is hit, let it rest for at least a half hour or double foil and toss it in a cooler for up to 4 hours.

Latley, some have been disappointed about the timing (length of cook) of a finished butt. I start mine the night before at a lower temp - usually 195-200. In the morning I crank it up to 225˚. this give you tie to wade thru the plateau (a point in time of cooking where the temp seems to hang between 160 and 175 forever - be patient).

Give it a shot. We'll walk you thhru any questions you might have. Good luck and keep us posted on that first smoke. You're gonna love it! Big Grin
Originally posted by ozzwood:
I just got my smoker and was looking for some suggestions what to do the first few times I use it. I seasoned it up really nice and I am ready for any suggestions

Congrats on the new smoker! Which one did ya get? Nothing better to break in a new smoker then a couple of pork butts or picnics...very easy to cook, forgiving, take smoke well, tolerant of "too much" smoke, and lots of fat to render. Good luck!

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