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Okay, I read on here where it's taken up to 30 hours to smoke a butt...I'm just shy of 24 hours and checking in at 177 degrees. I've been keeping track of this and my other smoke and it looks like 1 degree rise every 20 minutes. If that's the case, my big 13 pounder will be popping put around 7 am with between 30 - 31 hours of cook time. Last time I smoked a 6 1/2 pounder in 15 hours so it's pretty much on par with the weight per hour. -- My question is, what is the biggest butt that anyone has smoked and how long was your cooking time?
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Actually I did pop my wife's probe in for a while, it read about 4 - 6 degrees higher than where it was at which I account for he heat being higher at the top. It was just one big old hunk of pork. I checked the temp after it came out with the handheld probe too and sure enough both were 195.

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