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I just bought some big butts at Sam's. I assume there are two in the package. The total weight is about 17 lbs.

How should I put them in my 008?

One shelf:
I would like to fit them on one shelf so they get the same heat. But I can't see how to fit them on one shelf. Can I stand the butts up or do they need to lay flat?

Two shelves:
I think I can squeeze them on two shelves. But, the top butt will be close to touching the top and the bottom butt will be very close to the heater element.

Thanks in advance...
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I'd put one on the top shelf, and one on the middle shelf. At perhaps the 1/2 way mark, and mine usually go about 16-17 hours at 225, I'd open up real quick and rotate the shelves.

Some others might chime in here, but you could put one fat side down on the bottom shelf, and one fat side up on the middle shelf. The bottom seems to get a little hotter due to the closeness of the firebox. Being fat side down, it would protect your butt. And, the one above it would drip fat down to this one.

They will shrink up a great bit. I think it would be hard to stand them up as you are asking.

As always, just my .02 worth.
I have another suggestion. Unless you need to prepare two butts for a large dinner. Do them one at a time experimenting with different spices.
Also, my experience is only with smoking one butt and I learned and will do it differnt next time. The one main thing I should have done differently is taken the butt to a higher temperature. Because I didn't, only the outer portion shredded good when I was pulling. I sliced the inner and it still tasted great.

BTW Mad Angler....I am gonna send you some spices. I will vaccuum seal them and mail them off. Just email me your address. I will send you some of my Obie-Cue favorites.
Well, I took Tony's advice: I made two separate butts.

The first butt was the basic:
- mustard and then CS Rib
- smoked with 2 pieces of hickory at 225
- It took 20 hrs to get to 190F
- Foiled and coolerd for 30 minutes
- It was very tender and pulled easily
- It was good but didn't have much smoke flavor

The second butt was done via "Still Smokin"
- Marinade of vinagar, brown sugar, pepper, etc
- Left in fridge for 36 hrs
- Smoked with 2 pieces of apple wood at 225F
- It took 18 hrs to get to 192F
- Coolered for an hour
- Pulled very nicely and was very tender and moist.
- Had a nice flavor and the marinade was boiled as a serving sauce. It was very nice.

So, I'm quite happy with my first butts and can't wait to do more...
Originally posted by Mad_Angler:
[qb] - It was good but didn't have much smoke flavor
Figuring out how much smoke is one of those things you'll just have to experiment. 2 oz for one person is too much smoke and others want 10 oz.

One method, but it's delicate, is to open up the smoker, and add more wood chunks after the smoker has burned up the first batch. Delicate because the box is DARN hot.

Lots of methods, just experiment.

You might try different woods also.

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