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Subject says it..
I've read Smokin's Brining 101. In it, it mentions brining chicken parts.. some of which is dark meat and some is white meat. Thighs and d'sticks are parts, I know.

However, it seems I've read a post by Smokin.. maybe someone else.. that mentioned not needing to brine these parts. Help clarify this for me as I bought a large pack of thighs and would like to smoke them in the next day or two.

Even if not 'necessary' for dark chicken meat.. is it beneficial?

Thanks, Bill
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Whether you do dark meat is up to you/personal preference.

Dark meat has more fat in it and that's why most people don't tend to brine it. You can, no rule against it.

Try some brined, and some not and see if it makes a difference to you. What brining will do for dark meat is impart some of the brine flavor inside the meat (which you won't get if you don't brine).

When you get done,unless you are cooking against 50 pro teams,you probably won't bother to brine dark meat again.

Like Smokin' says,"you can inpart some flavor"

Smokin' does an oriental marinade for pork loin that is pretty interesting on thighs.

It makes them stand out from the usual, being done these days.

Use a spicey rub under and over the skin.

He may not use it ,but it works.

Maybe he will guide you to it.

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