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Started late last night as I have a class tonight in Brisket 101 (sold out in a week). 17 students.

Two REALLY nice briskets.

One was just over 17 lb and the other around 16. About $2.09 per pound. Found them at Sam's under a private lable (their Members mark) and they are choice and grain feed. Not sure which IBP place they really come from. Fat was nice and white.

You can tell these are monsters, because they're filling the full pans.

And an FYI, they one was a left hand and one was a right hand.

And I WILL be making some burnt ends. There are some huge points on these puppies.

Top one is straight CS Brisket Rub.
Second one has a comp injection and CS Brisket Rub.

I want to see if the class can taste a difference.

They are currently purring right along, doing them in the FE. Did overnight (6 hours) at 180 (mainly because I didn't want to get up and change the temp on my Traeger (non IQ) version).

I'll take photos as I go.

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Sure wish we could be there to sample them.

We wish our Sam's had packers like that.The distribution center goes to Excels with angus stamped on everything from packers to burgers.Most of them should be ground for burgers.

When Barbara and I do the brisket and sides class with Ribdog,it always amazes the class.

The class has many top Fl Chefs,as well as many that travel and promote their cookbooks,teaching.The Sponsors do a questionaire ,as to most popular/repeat,and brisket always comes out in the top.

It can be an amazing product,in the hands of a fine cook-like Smokin'Okie.

We can all hardly wait for the book to come out.Hint,hint. Cool
Originally posted by Trucky1008:
Will you be foiling those monsters? It would be interesting to see if the class can tell any difference between foiled and not.

I'm going to NOT foil the one I injected. Want to see if they can 1) tell a taste difference and 2) tell a moisture difference.

I have to be careful, can't give away my lecture just yet, some of the class have been reading my 101's.
So, had the class last night.

Brisket one, #17.77 lb (13 after trimming) injected with Buthcers Beer and Prime Dust and rubbed with CS Brisket Rub.

Brisket two. #16.23 lb (12 after trimming) just coated with CS Brisket Rub.

#1 never touched foil.
#2 was foiled at 175 with some beef stock.

In class, in a blind taste test, ALL 17 voted for #1.

It proved to them (what I've always said) that you don't have to foil to get a good brisket. But you do have to know what you're doing (so come to my class). LOL

how long was the brisket done before serving; since you didn't foil the injected one how was it held until serving. Given the very different treatment this really isn't an assesment of foil vs. no foil; to have a true assesment both should be done in like manner except for foil process. It may very well be that had you foiled the injected product in your test that it would still have been the chosen one.
TN Q - True. IF your point is to prove which is better, both should be cooked the same one with foil and one without.

HOWEVER... if your point is purely to show that you can make a good brisket with no-foil... then Russ proved that. (the other variables don't matter... just that you made a good brisket regardless of the method)

Congrats on a successful class and on a great thread of pictures. Now if only I could taste those burnt ends through the screen.

Hey, I'm the teacher, no arguing with the teacher or I'll put you in time out.

They were cooked together, came off the smoker within 15 min of each other and held in the cambro until serving (4 hours).

I just asked them which one they preferred. I didn't tell them foil or injected until after voting.

Key point is that you can get a great brisket without foiling. That was the point I was making to the class.
not arguing the point. for all I know the foiled one would have been just as good if was never foiled, and handled in same manner as the injected. The injected beast may very well have remained the preferred cook. I'm sure Russ can smoke great brisket with his eyes closed and one arm tied, in more ways than most of us combined.

The burnt ends do look great BTW.
Originally posted by SmokinOkie:
Originally posted by MaxQue:
You cruel bastige!!!!

Thanks Chris, I take that as a compliment.

So it was meant to be. I saw those pics about an hour before dinner and hadn't had time for lunch that day. Bet those BOINKS were mighty tasty...gonna have to steal that idea Smiler

How long were the burnt ends cooked for after cubing? Temp?
One other thing that showed up,which is more difficult to quantify,that Smokin' and I-along with lots of other folks that have cooked and eaten briskets for years seem to notice.

Somehow,an appropriately seasoned hunk of meat,cooked well,with smoke and maybe a little flame has a disinct flavor,aroma,and especially mouthfeel from the exterior to the inside bites.

On here ,the forum, and those of ya'll that are experienced judges,speak about" the product should taste like what it is".

Yes,a bunch of us do comps and cook for the judges.
Before this time in our lives,we may have eaten comp meats for the family and neighborhood meals and thought that was the way things tasted and felt in the mouth.

It might be the natural good quality of those products,or at least our acquired taste.i.e. a good steak,with appropriate fat running thru it, grilled over hot coals,with the juices dripping down has been great for centuries and somehow it still is.

We've been fortunate to cook with,or around,some of the top comp cooks of the last couple of decades and sample most everything they turn in for judging.

Most all these folks say"I see how you win with that comp approach",but go home and eat their meats unfoiled and only slightly seasoned to COMPLIMENT the product.

Not sure how you write that on the menu,or on a scorecard,but folks seem to naturally know it.

Just my $0.02
Not to threadjack but.......

We often hear about comp cooks who approach a contest from a "wow the judges" point of view and subsequent game plan. Yet, back at home and among friends, it seems like they prefer a very simple approach to BBQ. Why do you think it is that the judges have veered "off course" in terms of assigning higher points to "gussied-up" BBQ?
Here's my take on it, I just love tasting some rich flavored que that I can get judging...but to be honest, when I've cooked it at home two or three ribs is all I can stand to eat...just too rich for more.

Give me a rack of big LBs with light seasoning and oh boy, I'll eat till the rack is almost gone. I do enjoy them, but they just don't have a WOW factor if I was only taking one or two bites.

This is the same for all 4 categories...right or wrong, it is what it is...and comp que is not good old home cooking.
I just think a short taste is very different than eating the whole meal. Probably most folks gave the judges traditional and saw the judges gravitating towards those with "wow". Thus the evolution. Looking for the secret technique.

I still like the Trigg/MaxQue/RibDog method for ribs. But traditional with barbecue sauce or salt/pepper/garlic and no foil (steaming?) still tastes great.

Well stated by Cal.

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