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WOW! After cooking ribs 3X's, I finally worked up enough courage to do a brisket. Used CS rib rub and cut a few slits and poked in garlic, bay leaves, couple of peppercorns and left in frig overnight. Meat was a flat purchased at Costco and weighed 4.36 lbs. Figured about 6 hrs. I put it in at 11:20 am at 225. Used my new Maverick probes. 6 hrs later I'm at 155. Never opend to peek. Anyway it reached 185 at 11:00 pm and I removed it. Guess it's done when it's done. Wrapped it in foil, a towel and let it rest 15 minutes. Couldn't wait any longer, had to taste that meat. Fantastic. My wife and had brisket only once before at a restaurant and we didn't like it. Must not have liked this either. She only had 2 samichs.
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