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Did my first brisket smoke today on my new SM025 with a 10lb untrimmed packer. Rubbed it down with some Garlic Pepper and Salt. Smoker was great meat had a very good taste to it with 4oz hickory and it held temperature very steady at 225 all day when I was checking within 1-2 degrees. I'd like some suggestions on how I can improve my end product as it was a little dry.
Cook log:
3:30am - Placed cold brisket in cold smoker Fat side down, Inserted probe in large part of flat and set smoker to 225
4:00am - Oven at 225 Flat 50F
7:30am - 158F
11:00am - 174F
2:00pm - 188
2:45pm - 192 Opened for first time, probe was going in like butter on one side but not on the other. Was 184 on other side so left probe in new location and closed back up.
4:00pm - 190 with probe in new flat location
Removed Point put back in cooker, double wrapped Flat in Foil and placed in warm cooler with towels.
6:00 - Served flat sliced 1/4"

Wife and I both enjoyed it. She's not a big fan of smokey stuff but liked the flavor. She could have done with less pepper however and we both agreed it was not that moist. Could be cut with fork but was not falling apart.

The point was at 197 at 9:30pm at which point I checked it and it seemed ready so I took it out.

When storing left overs is it best to slice and bag, or leave in large chunks? Do you want to bag it immediately or is it ok to sit in the fridge over night or so?

Thanks for any advice. --ken
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