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In the Amerique space can be limited and i'm still converting from a stick burning rotisserie.
so here is my question:
I'm cooking butts and brisket for the Wing/ CC and 65 on Saturday afternoon.
I need to cook 36 lbs of brisket to safely yield about 16 lbs after slicing.
I need the same amount of pulled pork 16 lbs.
I have not had success yet cooking butts with brisket.
I'm planning on putting the briskets on tonight and should be ready by noon tomorrow and putting 4 butts on late Friday night.
Re-heating the brisket 3 hours prior to the event.
Does this sound like the best logistics for a 5pm Saturday feed?
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Brisket report is positive.
Put in at 0745 pm.
Bottom rack 15 1/2 lb fat down
Middle lower 13.2 lb fat down
Second rack from top 12.5 lb fat side up
Temp at 3 hours was 120, 165, and 169
Temp at 5 hours was 159, 175, and 175
Temp at 7 hours was 174, 180, and 181
I had the big boy set at 189 to take it to hold temp and woke up at 10.5 hours cook time 0615 and they were all black and smelly.
I probed them in different spots and all were at 192, 189, and 190 internal.
I wrapped all in foil and put in my cooler.
i'll fridge them in a couple hours and start smoking the Butts around 11:00 tonight.
I'll follow the re-heat directions for the briskets and put some weak broth in the foiled Briskets and slice just before delivering to the event.
I'm starting to get my breathing back to normal now.

"Keep dancing until it rains"

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