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My father and I are new to smoking and we read that the approximate smoke time for beef brisket is 1.5 hours per pound. Instead of smoking 1 large brisket we are smoking 2 medium sized briskets, 3 pounds each. Is the cook time equal to total pounds in the smoker (1.5 x 6) or pound per individual piece (1.5 x 3)?
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You can find a lot of knowledge by using the find button in the top left corner. Just ask a question if you're not sure and most members are more than happy to help out a Newbie.

I'd be careful not to dry out the medium size briskets. I'm a Newbie, myself, and have learned that the bigger briskets seem to smoke easier for me.

Good Luck and post your results, maybe the old pros will give a few tips, if needed.
The best way to tell I have found is by internal temp more than time. My packers have been cooking about 3 hours + 1 hour per pound but your flats will probably cook faster. I recommend you get a temp probe, I use a remote thermomter I got at Target for $16. It has a remote probe with a wire I run thru the vent. It is a Taylor brand unit. Pull it out at 190-195 degrees F.

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