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I just started my adventure of smoking a Brisket. Started at 3Pm and allowed to go through the night. Before going to bed i put the final coals on the fire and made sure the temp was great. On the last check, the internal temperature of the brisket was 160F. When i checked it this morning it was 80F. I wrapped in foil and put in the oven at 220F. Am i going to need to reheat to 170F or should i slice and see if it is done? did i ruin it?
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If you were in a restaurant, I would do exactly as RibDog suggested. Since you're not in a restaurant and the meat was over 160* the last time you checked it, I would eat it personally as long as it was reheated to above 140*. I base this statement on two assumptions: 1)That you sleep an ordinary amount of time, like 8 hours or so, and 2)that the bacteria in the meat was largely killed off at 160* and that no new organisims were introduced into your cooker during the night.

I can give you more of an answer if you want it, but I'll leave it there for now.
What time was it when you checked the 160 temp, and what time was it when you found it at 80.

That would control my decision. Give us more info.

Going from 160 to 190 could have taken a while. It might not have gotten done before the temp cme down. You spoke about adding coals, what type of cooker were you using?

Like the guys said, alot of unknowns.


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