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Howdy,Morty and welcome to the Cookshack nation.

If you have your choice to cook one at a time,you would probably seek out a whole packer cut/trim brisket.

It would come sealed in cryovac and no local meatcutter will have touched it.
It will have a flat meat part on it,a layer of fat and a point of meat.

If you have the Smokette,nine or ten pounds is pretty good.You can always turn the end up and it will shrink.

If it has choice stamped on the cryovac,that will make you smile.

If it comes from a box store,hopefully you'll pay $1.20/lb. +/-.

Now the rest will vary, by what the store decided it should call it that day.

An untrimmed brisket flat,with a nice fat cap on it ,around 6-7 lbs. is okay if you are vending,trying to cut labor,increase yield/lb. and are a pretty fair brisket cook.

This may be all that you can find in your area and may run $3+/lb.

A pure trimmed to very low percent flat,will usually run 2.5 lbs+/- and may bring $4/lb.

I think some folks bake them ,or maybe make expensive jerky from them.

Hope this helps a little.

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