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I'm flying Delta airlines to K.C. tomorrow morning and would like to take a brisket with me. No time to freeze it because I just put it in 1 hour ago and i figure it won't be finished until 4 am. I'm leaving at 0600.
My plan is to Wrap it in Plastic/foil and put in a cooler.
I'll call Delta and confirm they don't have a policy on taking more food than you can eat.
Anyone that has flown commercial with a brisket and has ideas let me know,

Shady j

"Keep dancing until it rains"
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Please, Please take pictures going through Security as the TSA asks you to remove the foil so they can see what you are carrying on-board!

Be prepared for envious looks from fellow passengers.

I was on a Continental flight that was delayed for about four hours on the tarmac. One passenger had a bucket of Popeye's Chicken and could have sold it for $5.00 per piece!
They're telling me I can only bring food on flight for consumption. I might have a loophole here. I don't think they will monitor my consumption. I'll just say I had every intention of eating the entire 8 # brisket but lost my appetite.
The guy answering my call didn't know about the foil/plastic wrap but i couldn't understand him REAL Good.

Shady J
Remember there's a size limit to carry on baggage, if the cooler's too big it'll have to be checked.

Personally I don't think your loophole will hold water. They are REALLY strict about what you carry on to a plane these days after 9-11. I couldn't take on a bottle of shampoo because it was too big. Had to check it in.
You are probably right, if they'll confiscate my fingernail clippers think of the damage I could do with an 8lb slab of beef.
I guess I'll stash it here and describe it to the family.
Too big of a chance with all the hell I've gone through to get a smoker to cook correctly.


I can only imagine the conversation if you're one of the unlucky few to get flagged for extra scrutiny.

After they frisk you, and ask you to take your shoes off, the TSA officer asks you within earshot of everyone to unwrap your meat. Or better yet, s/he insists that you prove your meat is not a weapon. Oh my!
Originally posted by Shady J:
You are probably right, if they'll confiscate my fingernail clippers think of the damage I could do with an 8lb slab of beef.
I guess I'll stash it here and describe it to the family.
Too big of a chance with all the hell I've gone through to get a smoker to cook correctly.



With all that seasoning and spices to throw off the bomb sniffer dogs.
Though it's probably too late, there's no problem at all with what Shady J wants to do. I frequently take smoked brisket, pulled pork, etc on commercial flights when commuting between Chicago and a second home in Florida. I freeze, foil, and vacuum pack the meat then put it into a thermal bag with an ice pack. The majority of the time, I put the package in a carry on bag and have never had an issue during the TSA screening process. Same result on the rare occasion when I put the meat in checked bgggage.

The TSA does allow dry ice, in carry on or checked baggage. There are restrictions as to the maximum weight of the dry ice, which I believe is around 4 or 5 pounds. The baggage also has to be vented and labeled. Then, individual airlines may apply their restrictions and fees ranging from no dry ice at all, to it's OK providing it meets TSA regulations and you're willing to pay an additional fee above and beyond the normal baggage fee, if it's checked in. The extra charges with American are $40 and with United they're $175. I guess those extra charges are OK if you're a coroner carrying body parts, but to me, it's a bit expensive for a brisket.
OK I made it.
Wrapped it in foil, triple bagged and taped some towels around it.
Once I got on the flight I asked the Flt Attendant for a Delta Bag and ice. I surrounded it in Ice and off we went.
We just finished eating it for 4th of July along with Mac and Cheese and Homemade Ice cream.

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