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I bought a 13.25 lb Angus choice packer from Sams Club to smoke in my 009. It's just me and the Mrs. and perhaps one more person I will be cooking for. Can I cut the brisket in half, cook one half and freeze the other for another day, or should I cook it all up and then freeze the un-eaten portions? Your comments please.
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Smokin's got it. Just a word about boiling the Foodsaver bag for reheating. I had frozen ribs a couple weeks ago and boiled to reheat straight from the freezer. The seal on the bag opened from the boiling. Could have been user error as I may have left it boil too long. Now I let the frozen bag sit on the counter till thawed, then simmer till heated. No bag leaks with the new method.
I had begun reheating a food saver bag of pulled pork, only to have the seal pop loose. That bag was lost to the trash. I probably did put the bag in water just shy of boiling but was never able to pin down just why the bag opened. I've been leaning towards the possibility grease may have gotten in the seal, preventing the two bag walls from adequately melting together.
Just something to consider.
Originally posted by Grubmeister:
I had begun reheating a food saver bag of pulled pork, only to have the seal pop loose. That bag was lost to the trash. I probably did put the bag in water just shy of boiling but was never able to pin down just why the bag opened. I've been leaning towards the possibility grease may have gotten in the seal, preventing the two bag walls from adequately melting together.
Just something to consider.

I quit reheating by putting in boiling water. I just put the foodsaver bag in a pan and put in the oven. As long as your heat isn't to high, the bag won't melt, and if the seal lets go, no problem.

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