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Going to do a brisket in my SM025 for Saturday's dinner. This will be the first one I have done in the Cookshack. I got a 7.5lb flat from Sam's Club and have it rubbed and wrapped sitting in the fridge at current. I would like to cook the thing over night and pull it around 1pm in the afternoon and FTC the thing until dinner. Can I start the brisket at say 7pm around 190 on the smoker and let it go overnight, then sometime in the morning raise it up to 225 until the internal temp is around 195 ?? Or will this end up drying the brisket out ??

Also was planning on about 4oz of wood. Too much, too little for a piece of my size ??

Thanks in advance !

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Welcome to the CS forum.

Based on weight and temp, you're looking at about 9 hrs. If you're worried about time you can always start with a higher (250) temp and shorter cook time.

As this is your 1st brisket, don't rely so much on temp or time to determine doneness. The brisket is done when you can pierce the brisket, top to bottom, with the end of your probe thermometer (or other round metal instrument) and not feel much or any resistance.

Google SmokinOkie's Brisket 101 (also found on the CS website) and give it a read.

There's a LOT of info on this forum about briskets. No doubt you'll discover the various tips and tricks as you read through the threads. You can also use the FIND feature up on the toolbar for specific topics.

Keep notes. You'll find your nitch after cooking a few briskets.

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