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Today was my 6th attempt at a brisket. The first 5 were good but either too dry or too tough for my liking. 6.5 pound flat with a nice fat cap. Marinaded in Head Country marinade for 8 hours and then rubbed with Head Country seasoning overnight. Put another layer of rub on in the morning and then put into the my Smokette at 225 with 3 small chunks of cherry. Took darn near 8 hours to get to 195. At this point when I probed it for tenderness it still appeared a little tough so I wrapped in foil and put back in the smoker for an hour. At this point the probe pretty much passed through like butter. I double foiled (added a little bit of marinade) and FTC'd for 2 hours. Sliced like a dream - fantastic flavor and extremely tender. I'm pretty damned proud of myself!
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Great job Jack! I had success with a 6 pd flat this weekend too. Salt, pepper and garlic salt. 6 hrs at 225 6 oz of mesquite, and I pulled at internal of 180. I triple wrapped and FTC'd for 3 hrs. Juicy, Tender, and so good on a kaiser roll with sauteed onions and peppers.

I really think the key to these flats is the FTC. When you place it in the cooler put it fat side up. The flat just sits in it's own juices.

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