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i bought a choice CAB 9.75# packer brisket. Washed it, dried it and put a fairly heavy coat of dry rub all over. I put it in the fridge covered for about 4 hours. At 10:15 Saturday night I put it in my AmeriQue, straight from the fridge. I set the AQ temp to 225* and had the probe set to 188*. I used 4 oz. of hickory and 3 oz of apple. At 2:15 pm Sunday, exactly 16 hours later it was done. I wrapped it in heavy foil and let it sit n the counter for 1 hour. It had a great fairly heavy bark, was moist and very tender with a fantastic taste.
This was my best brisket ever. Mucho thanks to Smokin' and Tom for the "keep it simple rule". No preheat, nothing fancy, and no foiling till it was done. Thanks guys!!
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Somewhere out there ,the "god of briskets",must be saying Thankyou.

After all the posts and nagging,folks quit spending weeks with long threads,about some trick,or secret "prizewinning oriental potroasts" and just opened the door ,put the meat in,and cooked something. Big Grin

That is why Donna's family designed these rascals. Wink

Good job!
Last edited by tom

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