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Boston butt (for pulled pork) finished 12 hours before dinner time.

I have it double-wrapped in heavy duty foil, wrapped in a heavy blanked, and stuffed in a coolor.

I'm kind of at a loss on how to proceed from here. Do I just pull at dinner time, or is there a descent way to re-heat it first.

Any other suggestions?

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I say stick a probe in one and keep an eye on it. I did a catering job two weeks ago where I took the butts off at 7 in the morning, wrapped and put in a cooler. When I took them out at 6 that night, I Thermopenned each one and had a temp range of 150-155.

If you are going to do this though, put hot water in the cooler first to warm it up. Empty the water and dry. The cooler is now ready to accept the finished butts.
Put it in a freezer zip lock & boil it hot.

Cover with plastic wrap, punch vent hole & microwave. Stir 1/2 way thru to heat evenly.

Put in skillet, add rub & a little sauce/apple juice/ or vinegar sauce and stir & reheat on simmer.

Cover with foil in a roasting pan & put in oven - add juice/sauce/rub, stir as needed.

Put in a double boiler & heat on stove top

It doesn't take a lot of heat, you are not trying to cook it anymore, jsut heat it up.
I have taken 4 butts out of the smoker at 195 degrees, I then individually wrapped them in foil then plastic then a large beach towels, then placed them a in cooler for 7 hours, they were still plenty hot when I unwrapped and started to pull. Perhaps the 4 of them kept the cooler plenty warm....all I know is they were delicious.

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