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To tag onto a thread we had a couple of weeks ago.This from a good comp cook,posting on another forum.

This seems to jive with cooks around us,that allow us to sample the comparisons ,at comps around the South.

Those that have followed the Pitmasters TV show may have noticed none of them cooking American Kobe.

A couple, maybe new members to the cast for next season,don't either.

Posted by Pickin' Porkers on April 04, 2010 at 18:23:27:
In Reply to: Waygu brisket question posted by Charles in SC on April 04, 2010 at 18:03:45:

Charles...they only cook faster than choice and the so called "prime" I cooked in Mobile last year. I am sure others will chime in saying they are the greatest thing since sliced bread but I have won brisket or placed very high with Walmart packers. Save the money!

To prove the point...I have on MANY occassions cooked both Walmart select packers and right beside it..have a Waygu because I used to cook both at contests.....not one person has ever been able to tell the difference.

Just a couple thoughts,when we advise "go get something and cook it".
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I always go by the brisket cooler at walmart. They are always select, but at least I can find some 14-16lb packers.

Seems that Sam's are generally choice, but 10-13lb range.

I like the evenness on the bigger packers across the flats. Seems to finish more even, could be just me though.

Can't say I had a bad tasting brisket out of my smoker yet, but that had a lot to do with reading on this forum.
Bubba -- I lived about 10 miles from you (Plymouth) for about 30 years. You might need to get away from the big city where folks know the difference between a Jersey bull & Hereford cow. Maybe some small butcher shop in Milford or other cities away from the bright lights would suit your needs better. Might ask your local butcher if he know the difference between a flat and a packer cut. If he stutters, move on down the road... Roll Eyes
Originally posted by Wheelz:
Bubba -- I lived about 10 miles from you (Plymouth) for about 30 years. You might need to get away from the big city where folks know the difference between a Jersey bull & Hereford cow. Maybe some small butcher shop in Milford or other cities away from the bright lights would suit your needs better. Might ask your local butcher if he know the difference between a flat and a packer cut. If he stutters, move on down the road... Roll Eyes

I work in Plymouth, 5 and Sheldon. I just go down to the Eastern Market Saturday morning, they have it all. Smiler
Glad to see the comparisons.

All is relative to what we find to cook.

Now if choice is about 70% of the cows,and the packer is from the bottom end of that 70%,yes there would be a good reason that better results might be had from the high dollar cow.

But,an awful lot of good comp teams have been buying Sam's-choice grade-and cooking them well enough to get calls.
I live in Northern Michigan so I must really find it tough to buy briskets, but it's not.

The Sam's around here only sell flats... asked about full packers and they said they never get them.

WallyWorld in Gaylord always has full packers - usually select.

But the best source is a small IGA store out in the boonies and that's where I got the prime brisket flats. They will have packers in the summer when there is more call for them.

My point? You need to do a lot of checking in small stores because 'ya just never know' where you're going to find what you want.
Well, keep in mind that when an animal is marked prime, the inspector has 15-20 per animal to grade it. And the whole carcass is graded the same grade, not just some parts. Can WalMart get a case of prime briskets by mistake, you bet. Can a single brisket be better than a prime graded brisket, you better believe it. Anything is possible but it does not seem to happen that often.

To my knowledge, Walmart does not have access to prime grade meats. If they get prime in, it is usually a mistake. Just as it can happen at Sam's Club also.

I did not meant to denegrate the brisket you had or your experience with them. Just meant to say what my experiences have been with them.
Thanks RibDog, It seems my briskets are slowly getting better. I think I'm learning to pick better briskets, without worrying over grade.

The biggest factor, may be, that I'm gaining a little more cooking experience and learning a little more about the animal(brisket)!

The road on being an experienced brisket cook is one that I enjoy and will gladly travel.
Since Ribdog and I have been thru WW all over the South,we do generalize.From having worked with many of their meat mngrs,they have one market/pricing code for packers,and sell anything that arrives at that price.If the get an item without a code,i.e. Tritips,they may mark the case at $0.99/lb.
If the get 7 lb flats and have no code-they price them as packers.

In the central Fl market,the same two distribution centers ship packers to Sam's and WW.Packers typically are the only beef product that is not tumbled/injected at WW-except those few "restaurant" steaks??.
the south central WW can sometimes order Prime Xcels,thru the distributor rep living locally by the stores.

The main thing we find with Xcels,is their Manufacturing/cutting standards can be somewhat less than many other brands.Most of us find that when we would get to a comp,there could be 2-3 slashes all the way thru the flat,and since that could be the area we use for turnin-they go straight to the nearest dumpster. Frowner

They should have been ungraded/cutter/noroll,etc and ground to burgers.

This could have nothing to do with the gov't instant grade of the core of the loin,or the consumer cooking it to serve at home.

It can sure be a disappointment to a comp cook that purchased it for a purpose. Eeker

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