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I volunteered to make jerky for a buddy that had some caribou meat to get rid of, he gave me backstraps and tenderloins, they'd been frozen in a trash bag since he shot it last fall. I had a lot of trimming to get to good meat, probably lost 25% of the meat.
When i was trimming the tenderloins, i found a couple worm pods. I didnt find any in the backstraps. I sliced it pretty thin so I'm pretty sure the rest is ok.
When I was cutting moose meat last fall with a vetrinarian, he pointed out a couple worms in his meat, and didnt get too excited about it, he just said he'd be sure to cook it properly.
To me, the thought of worms in the meat is disgusting, What would you do, would you use it???

Second question, this is only about my fifth attempt at jerky, I'm using the High Mt seasoning, I have it all cut in strips and seasoned in the fridge, about 5 lbs stacked in a plastic container. I took it out to check and turn today, the meat looks like there was no seasoning put on it, has the seasoning just soaked into the meat that much that you cant see it? There was some juice at the bottom of the container so I soaked it up with a paper towel, I'm sure some of the seasoning probably ran out with the juices, so I sprinkled a little more seasoning on the meat for good measure. Was that a mistake?
I guess I'll know for sure in a couple days.
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The worms, no doubt, drank all your juices up!

So I shouldnt need to add additional seasoning to the worms if I'm going to smoke them???

I stopped to talk to a vet about the worm/cyst pockets. He said very common in wild game, I'm not going to mess with it though. He said cook it well and it will be ok, but I'm giving it back to the guy it came from, I got enough to worry about. When he said dont feed the scraps to the dog, I figure its not good enough for me either.
Thanks for the input.

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