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Well, not sure what the wife thinks of me now....I had just finished prepping a 6.7 lb Boston Butt last night , mustard, rub, wrap in plastic and all along after each step I was taking pictures of it...I turned around and my wife was looking at me like she was going to have me comitted!! (she doesn't get the que fever like I do brothers and sisters)
Oh well, I'm going to experiment with this one a little bit....when it hits the plateau, I'm going to turn it down to 200 from 225 and let it take a little longer to break through....just to see if there is going to be a diffrence..put io on at 5:14am and keeping notes so , I'll let ya know what happens..HAPPY 4TH EVERYONE

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I can relate to what you're sayin about the looks you got from your wife.

I was taking pictures of my first brisket that I had just got through smokin, and got those very same looks from my 12yr. old granddaughter.

Women just don't get it... Roll Eyes

Doin pulled pork for the holiday.

Have a great 4th...and good luck with your experiment.

Sounds like you and the wife need to spend a little more quality time ......Take her out to dinner..(no, it shouldn't be a BBQ place!!!!)...
As far as the pics go...I'm using a 35mm camera with High Definition film...its not a digital camera but I am having the photos scanned and emailed to me from the local "Kinko's"
Is there any way I could email them to you Smokin???? and then have them put on the forum???
Oh, well....its 1:26 and I just got back from helping my Father-in-law install a new filter and pump for his pool, So I missed the "plateau stage" of the smoke...going to let it go at 225 degrees until it hits 190/195. Maybe next time I'll experiment with it.


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