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They work good. Smoke quality is good and they impart a smell that really is a mix of wood and charcoal. Smoke has a flavored aroma that I like but can't quite pin down; but I like it. I think it does make a smoke ring in my foods!! They burn well and my FEC maintained temps very well... AND... the unit didn't have to go through alot of em to maintain temps.

Food Taste: I did some ribs and with the charcoal pellets I could taste a mild flavor similar to cooking on a charcoal grill (if I had smoked longer???)..The flavor was more pronounced especially after I sauced them down and put em back in the smoker...

With the pellet hopper empty I could put a few handsfull (3-4 cups ??) in there and they burned for more than a couple of hours.. AND STILL HAD SOME LEFT IN THE HOPPER. i think they'd be worth a try. Got em from BBQ delite.
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