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Looking for a good marinade that's spicy but no heat. We are having some friends over Saturday and I would like to grill or smoke a couple of birds. The CS Spicy Chicken rub is just a tad too much heat for the Mrs. Any way to knock it down a notch? I love it but need to keep peace under the roof! Wink

If I grill I am going to try to do it off-set, maybe split the birds in half.

Anyway, any suggestions for marinade/rub that will cause your mouth to explode with great flavor and no heat would be appreciated.

Thanks all!
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peg has had good luck at the market with this;
marinade either kraft catalina (my fav) or kraft french dressing. just stick it an the chicken overnite in a freezer bag.
for rub she is using a small amount of my pork rub which is just a generic kind of thing. low on the sugar.
for sauce her best is a straight up copy of steve raicklens guava rum sauce the only change being that she uses cruzan navy rum.
now since she gave away MY MUSTARD SAUCE RECIPE!!!!! Mad I FEEL TURNABOUT IS ONLY FAIR PLAY!!!! well that and the fact i really have liked your posts so here goes;
11 oz. guava paste she uses conchita brand
6 TBS cider vinergar
1 c. cold water
1/4 c. plus 2 TBS cruzan blackstrap navy rum
1/4 c. tomato paste
1/4 c. lime juice
1 TBS soy sauce
2 tsp ketchup
2 tsp lea and perrins
2 TBS fine minced onions
1 TBS fine minced fresh ginger
2 cloves fine minced garlic
1/4 tsp habanero, seeded,chopped fine. smell good and not much heat if you seed them.
1 tsp kosher salt
1 tsp ground black pepper
put everything in a heavy sauce pan and bring to a simmer until thick. takes around 15 mins. should be pourable. turn off heat and let set 15 mins. don't know why she does this step but it works. cool to room temp before using but she always makes a double batch and we can it. seems to improve with age.
hope it gets you in the ball park or gives you an idea.
ps. i feel much beter now. i gave away her recipe--muhawwhawwwww Big Grin
Hey Wheelz, if you plan to split and grill those yard birds, maybe your guests would like Teriyaki chicken. I've used this a bunch for chicken wings, leg quarters and breasts. I don't know why it wouldn't work for split fryers.
Chicken Teriyaki Sauce & Marinade

1/4 cup brown sugar -- packed
1/4 cup soy sauce
3 tablespoons lemon juice
3 tablespoons orange juice
2 tablespoons salad oil
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon orange peel -- grated

Mix first seven ingredients and place along with the chicken parts in a Zip-Lock bag. Marinade 3-24 hours, turning frequently. The longer the better. Boil the marinade after the chicken has been marinated. Broil or grill chicken until done, basting frequently with the boiled marinade
It depends on if you want some chicken taste,or use the chicken to carry other flavors.

Like billiq says,brine improves most any chicken and allows you to cook to a little higher temp in the breast,if you are cooking splits.

Smokin' Okie has a dandy one.

A lot of folks marinade in Zesty Italian dressing,with a little rub mixed in.

Mike Scrutchfield
Sat, 27 Jan 1996 13:33:35 -0700

Thanks Coach.

You know I never told you this last year, (you know how big your head gets), but you were a major factor in helping me accomplish winning the National Championship. In 1994 my worst category of the four majors was chicken so last winter I set about to change things. In one of the early issues of the Bullsheet in 1995 you was generous enough to share your chicken do with the group. Part of your process involved marinating the chicken in Wish Bone Italian dressing, I tried it with my newly developed rub and the rest is history. 1st place overall in Chicken KCBS for 1995! I now use the Wish Bone "Robust" and I find it does even a better job.

Mike Scrutchfield is the BRITU many of you use on ribs,and the brisket recipe that is used widely.

Fred's old friend Jumpin' Jim used Newmans Olive Oil and Vinegar with a couple spoonfuls of rub to dominate the comp world ,and it still is mighty popular.

The others above look nice,if you are seeking other flavors.
Last edited by tom
since wheelz was specific on his request i gave him our upfront, no changes,no deletetions, recipe for chicken which has sold very well to the elderly and those that are heat sensitive. i will stand behind that recipe. sorry but the old "italian dressing" thing just left us and more importantly our customers cold. works good in comps though!!!
Interesting recipe Jack, thanks for sharing the "private stock". Glad it sells for you. The Catalina or French throws it off for me. Lots of flavors going in there and I'm sure we'll get some testers telling us what they think.

Wheelz, keep it simple. Chicken doesn't need a lot to make it takes good. For a little spicy, but not heat, use some white pepper with anything you normally do. The CS is too hot you can also just "dust" with it to keep the heat down.

For me, brine the birds. Give them some flavor in deep and keep the outside pretty simple.

Kinda a busy week so haven't pulled up any chicken recipes, but that's my quick answer.

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